Mind the Change
Unless you took a nap mid-February and accidentally Rip Van Winkle-d it until this morning, you’re well aware of the vast change we’ve all experienced these past few months (if you’re not, buckle up). Has adjusting been easy? No, it rarely is. Is the shift over? Don’t bet on it—as the saying goes, the only constant in life is change. The part you do get to decide on, however, is growth. So put on these tunes, pop on your self-reflection hat, and join us on a journey forward!
David Bowie with “Changes”
Coming from the guy who spent two years undergoing hours of pre-concert makeup application to become Ziggy Stardust, “turn and face the strange” is a pretty spectacular piece of advice. If transforming into an omnisexual alien rock star helped shoot Bowie to stardom, just imagine what trying something different could do for you!
Jimmy Buffet with "Changes in Latitudes, Changes in Attitudes"
Mr. Margaritaville knows better than anyone that even though the 5 o’clock somewhere mindset can usually do the trick, sometimes a prescription-strength dose of travel is the only thing that can really reset your dome. Not sure where to take off to? If it sways you, just know that Knockaround headquarters is right around the 33rd degree of latitude.
Blind Melon with "Change"
Speaking of change, we’re in the middle of a coin shortage, y’all. Turns out when people aren’t paying with cash (shoutout to contactless payment for keeping us clean) our change doesn’t just magically get up and circulate itself. And yes, we’re aware this caption will date this Knockmix. Who cares. If you’re reading from the future, it’s September of 2020 and we don’t have quarters.
John Mayer with "Waiting On the World to Change"
While we’re huge fans of John Mayer here at Knockaround, we’ve got a slight bone to pick with these lyrics. Fed up with the way the world looks and those running the show, Mayer laments that he and his friends “don't have the means to rise above and beat it.” Well Johnny, that’s where you’re not quite spot on. Sure, affecting change might feel like a Sisyphean challenge at times, but “waiting on the world to change” is a pretty lethargic approach to progress. We’re more aligned with the “get up and do something about it” model.
REO Speedwagon with "Roll with the Changes"
Or as Dr. Spencer Johnson would say, “Move With The Cheese.” Look it up.
Little River Band with "Cool Change"
Rumor has it there are places where summer eventually dwindles and the outside world shifts dramatically. Apparently leaves “change color,” people pick apples for fun (not from a Trader Joe’s—like straight from the tree), and something called “frost” shows up on morning lawns. Don’t get us wrong, we know full well what fall is here in San Diego—it’s pretty hard not to notice the 5º temperature drop. We’re just happy we don’t have to rake our yards.
Sam Cooke with "A Change Is Gonna Come"
One thing that won’t change is Sam Cooke’s legacy as the King of Soul. By golly, that man can sing.
Tracy Chapman with "The Times They Are-A-Changin'"
We’re approaching the end of Daylight Savings Time (except for you, Arizona), which means dusk will start to become unsettlingly close to the end of the workday. If you’re a fan of evening light, however, you just might be in luck. Several states are currently considering permanently staying on DST to reap the benefits of more post-school/work daylight (among other positives). Just think of a world where you never have to reprogram your microwave clock...
Thundercat with "Them Changes"
The human brain is a poor judge of large numbers. More specifically, we have a hard time grasping the significance and scale of large numbers. That’s why we say our CUSTOM Shop has over a million possible options. While true, it’s a pretty gross understatement. You could change things up with our randomizer button for days—months even—and not get a single repeat combination. But saying a million gets the message across. Plus, why try and do math when you could spend your time throwing together a dope pair of one-of-a-kind shades?
2Pac feat. Talent with "Changes"
This posthumous hit from Tupac is a socially conscious commentary that’s just as relevant today as it was when it was released. Touching on poverty, drugs, violence, and racism, Shakur’s lyrics serve as a testament to some of the country’s most prevalent problems from a person who has experienced them first hand. If you haven’t listened to this song as anything more than a great set of bars over a Bruce Hornsby sample, run it back and really dive into the lyrics.
“Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live, and let's change the way we treat each other.” Not a bad start, Pac.
Bonus (no title, just a video of a loose change sound effect)
“Anyone got an extra quarter? I’m doing laundry.” - every college student ever