The alarm goes off. Your bed is warm and comfy—pretty much the opposite of the cold, dark morning you’re about to walk out into. Does it make a whole lot of “sense?” No. Does it seem a little crazy? Yup. But you get up anyways. Why? Because it’s important to #JustShowUp.
And whether your greeting of choice is a hug, high-five, or “hey how are ya,” you’ll probably have no trouble filling in the following blank:
Y’ALL GOOD? _ _ _ _ YEAH!

Virtual Try-On
Try your Knockaround sunglasses virtually before you buy. Allow access to your device's camera and select from the options below.
Use average pupillary distance (fastest):
Select your pupillary distance (most accurate):
What's my pupillary distance?Size Guide
Whoever you are, it's hard to go wrong with this modern take on a timeless design.
Size Guide

54mm Lens | 19mm Bridge | 143mm Temple
Frame: 142mm Width | 51mm Height
- Small to medium sized head shape.
- Square, rectangular or oval faces.
- Perfect for, well, any occasion.