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Knockaround Beach Clean-Up for World Ocean Month

Protecting our oceans from plastic waste.

December 29, 2022

Making high-quality shades is the core of what we do, but inevitably that means we contribute to excess plastic byproduct. The idea of being a net drain on the environment doesn’t sit well with us, so we constantly retool and reevaluate our processes to see where we can reduce harm. This includes partnering with CleanHub to recover and remove plastic waste before it can reach our oceans! By reaching plastic neutrality, we can all enjoy our Knockaround sunglasses that much more.



Knockaround Beach Clean-Up for World Ocean Month

Knockaround Beach Clean-Up for World Ocean Month

Knockaround Beach Clean-Up for World Ocean Month

Knockaround Beach Clean-Up for World Ocean Month

Knockaround Beach Clean-Up for World Ocean Month

Knockaround Beach Clean-Up for World Ocean Month

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