John Legend, Sharks, and Paso Robles—Say What?!?
January 8, 2019
Well, we've got the first week of '19 under our belt. The holidays are behind us and this is probably the first week of normalcy since before Thanksgiving...and now we're hitting the 2019 ground running!
2018 was great, and for that we thank you, Knock Fans! Here's a little snapshot of this past year's highlights. But stay tuned for more, this year is going to be one of Knockaround's greatest!
We sell a TON of sunglasses in a calendar year! With more than 250 off-the-shelf pairs, and over a million possible combinations in our CUSTOM Shop, there really is a perfect pair for everyone. However, it's always cool taking a look at your tried-and-true top Knocks.
Here are some of the best-selling pairs in each of our best-selling frame styles for 2018:
In 2018 Knockaround moved into a new home, actually, we should say 2 new homes. This past summer we expanded into a brand new office space, and our warehouse moved into a much larger space directly underneath San Diego's beautiful Coronado Bridge.
Be on the look out for more, we'll give you a closer look soon!

It's always neat to see who's being seen in Knockarounds. In 2018 we had a couple of John's spotted in Knocks. And yes, Mr. Mayer's Fort Knocks are straight outta the CUSTOM Shop—he needed a custom pair for his big Brazilian birthday bash (invite only...ours probably got lost in the mail).

Last summer we welcomed the Paso Robles to the Knockaround frame fam and they've quickly become a Knock Fan fave. Slide on a pair of these gems, round up the crew, relax, chat, laugh, and taste your way through the vineyards.

This past year, we doubled the size of our CUSTOM Shop by adding the Fast Lanes and Mai Tais frame styles. If you haven't already, give them a spin—you design them, we build them!
In 2018, we had a pretty amazing list of Limited Editions and Collaborations (below are a few of our favorites). We already know what 2019 looks like, and let's just say you DON'T want to miss out...