What Do Your Sunglasses Say About You?
Unique sunglasses say unique things about those who wear them, so your personal style should match the message you want to send out to the world. What do your sunglasses say about you? Let’s have a look!
Classic and Commanding Aviators
All it takes is a mirror to see how commanding a solid pair of aviator glasses can make you look. These classic sunglasses exude authority while at the same time tell the world you're the free-spirited adventurous sort. That goes for men and women alike. Aviators have been with us for over a century, first issued to military pilots, and their popularity has never waned. This history gives aviators built-in vintage cred and says you're confident enough to buckle in and take off for new discoveries.

Embrace Your Inner Iconoclast with Cat-Eye Glasses
Slip on a little cat-eye flair and you're telling the world that you're not above breaking a rule here and there. You do it in style, and in classic style at that, the same way Audrey Hepburn and Marilyn Monroe wore their cat-eye sunglasses to create a sense of mystery. Today we often see Lady Gaga adding a dramatic touch to her trendsetting fashions with cat-eye glasses. These sunglasses say there's a little bit of a rebel in you, maybe simmering just below the surface, but on display nonetheless. But you're also telling the world that your wild side is under cool control.

Polarized for the Outdoor Adventurer
You will broadcast your love for the great outdoors if you go with a pair of polarized sunglasses, no matter the style of the frames you choose. A good pair of polarized glasses are tinted for one reason: protection from the sun. And you're not going to find much sun in the boardroom or in a bistro. Are you embarking on a hike across an unspoiled snowscape? Setting sail across shimmering ocean waters that reflect a fiery sun? Or just ready for any adventure that comes your way? The world will ask these questions if you're wearing a pair of polarized sunglasses.

Sport Sunglasses for Having Fun
It's too simple to say that sport sunglasses tell the world you're the sporty sort. That you lead an active lifestyle, that you're ready to go out and embrace life to the fullest. Yes, they do that. But more than that sport glasses tell the world that you're fun. We see some of the most vibrant colors with sport sunglasses, and nearly nothing says you're ready for a fun time like a big splash of color on your sport sunglasses. Sure, maybe you're telling the world you might run a marathon or that you're one serious snowboarder. But more importantly, sport glasses say you're up for a good time doing it all.

Round Sunglasses Show Soft Sides
Round sunglasses say you lean to the unconventional, to the creative, and maybe you've got just a few quirks that you'll proudly put on display. The perfect complement to funky fashion, round sunglasses announce that you stand apart from the pack and aren't conforming to norms anytime soon. Round sunglasses also give off a softer vibe than you get with more angular frames, saying you're a sensitive type with a kind heart.

Oversized for Fashion Statements
Oversized sunglasses seem to say one thing, but they're really saying the opposite. They cover more of your face, and so seem to signal some obscuring, but oversized sunglasses actually draw more attention than most other sunglasses. With oversized glasses, you are telling the world to "look at me," making a big fashion statement. Much like with cat-eye sunglasses, it's a statement with a dose of drama, plus a side of chic mystery. First made famous by the jet-setters of the 1960s, oversized sunglasses also say you're not averse to a little luxury and not uptight about enjoying the finer things.

Square Frames for Getting Serious
Sunglasses with square frames give off a businesslike feel, saying you're probably serious about your job and that your job is probably something serious. But they don't say you're a downer, just practical, a realist, someone who views the world around them as it actually is rather than the rose-colored version we might like reality to be. You mean business when you put on square sunglasses, and the world will note your level-headed outlook.

It might not be so simple to find your style when it comes to stylish sunglasses. But if you take a good honest look at yourself, you’re bound to make the perfect fashion statement with your sunglasses.
Written by William McCleary for Knockaround.