Belt It!
Some people are blessed with the vocal folds of an angel. Some can’t carry a tune in a bucket. But everybody loves a low-stakes, caution-to-the-wind, devil-may-care singalong. From belting boisterous barroom ballads to wailing out the window on an afternoon car ride, few things are as euphoric as joining along with your favorite tunes.
While we may not nail karaoke night every time, the Knockaround crew has our own set of go-to’s— we pulled together a list of 10 in hopes of inspiring you to take part in some singing of your own this weekend. Crank those speakers, grab the mic, and join us for a few rowdy renditions of these singalong hits!
Frank: The Clash with "Death or Glory"
The liberating part about singing along to punk is that sometimes you get to raucously yell the lyrics at the top of your lungs and you still actually sound like you’re doing the song justice. Clash co-frontman Joe Stummer never really emphasized enunciation, but he did grant us a catalogue of easily hollerable hits and for that we thank him.
Natalie: Cher with "Believe"
Do you believe in life after autotune?
Ellen: 4 Non Blondes with "What’s Up"
We’re probably all wondering “What’s going on?!” more often than usual these days. When things seem like they’ve gone a little off (or a lot off), take a few deep breaths, have a stroll, delete a glass of water, and check that everything you’re doing is rooted in kindness. If it is, you’re in a good spot to help make the situation better. #KindnessKnocks
Ricky: OutKast with "Roses"
Keegan: TOTO with "Africa"
It’s not often you get the chance to say the words “Kilimanjaro” or “Serengeti” let alone sing them, so you gotta take all the opportunities you’re given. Luckily this somehow-not-overplayed-despite-being-played-all-the-time feel-good gem of the 80s offers a chance at both. Hit play, hit repeat, never stop singing, die happy
Ed: Blind Melon with "No Rain"
San Diego “gets some type of precipitation about 38 days per year” (source: we Googled it). But what you’ve got to know about a San Diego “precipitation day” is that half the time it’s just a sprinkle in the morning that burns off by 11am, turning into an otherwise sunny and lovely afternoon. If you’re visiting from out of town and hear one of us talking about last week’s rainstorm (light mist) and resulting bad road conditions, please just smile and nod along. We don’t need the lecture on your Midwest monsoons to make us feel softer than we already are.
Tony: Toby Keith with "As Good As I Once Was"
We double-dog dare you not to sing along to this chorus.
Ace: Allman Brothers Band with "Ramblin’ Man"
With humble beginnings in a San Diego garage, Knockaround now sends sunglasses all over the world. Every time we slap a label on a package at our studio in Barrio Logan it still feels special. No matter where that box of shades rambles to—whether up the road to La Jolla or across the ocean to Malaysia—it’s not just an order, it’s a person who’s excited to rock a great new pair of sunglasses, take things a little more easily, and look at the bright side!
Wes: My Chemical Romance with "Helena"
If you wind up with this much choreographed dancing at your funeral (see music video), you probably made some solid friends throughout the years.
Jade: Shania Twain with "That Don’t Impress Me Much"
“That don’t impress me much” A.K.A. something never before heard about our graphic design team.
BONUS: The Champs with "Tequila"
If you’re really scrambling for a song to pop on the karaoke machine, it doesn’t get much easier than this. Cheers!