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Friends Knockmix


Buds. Pals. Chums. Homies. Amigos. Whatever you call ‘em, friends just make things better. From road trips, to lazy Sundays, and everything in between, they’re the ones who help you build the most memorable stories. And years down the road when you’re catching up over a beer, those are the stories you’ll laugh about into the night.

We just teamed up with our friends at Green Flash Brewery on a pretty exciting project. Stay tuned—you and your crew are going to want to enjoy this together. In the meantime, gather your best buds and bump this month’s Knockmix while you kick it!



Biz Markie with "Just a Friend"

If you’ve ever been to a karaoke bar late at night, you’ve certainly heard someone belt out the poorly sung, but curiously catchy chorus to the Clown Prince of Hip Hop’s one hit wonder. The nice part about this one is, you don’t need to be a spectacular vocalist to have fun with it—just open up your windpipes, read off the screen, and let ‘er rip.


Carole King with "You’ve Got a Friend”

Certain lines of this song are very applicable to daily life. For example: “Winter, spring, summer or fall. All you’ve got to do is call. And I’ll be there.” A good friend has your back even when it might be inconvenient for them to help you. Like hypothetically if you lock yourself out of the office on a Friday night and everyone else is gone and they have to drive back to let you in. Hypothetically.


War with "Why Can’t We Be Friends?"



Queen with "You’re My Best Friend"

Despite what that “man’s best friend” saying might have you guess, Freddy Mercury is not singing this song to his dog (we’re pretty sure).


Dionne Warwick with "That’s What Friends Are For”

Ever find yourself in a social situation wondering “What do I do with my hands?” If so, this music video will be very relatable.


The White Stripes with "We’re Going To Be Friends"

Sometimes, you can tell a perfect match right from the get-go. No mistaking it. Plain as day. Sliding on that perfect pair of shades is a wonderful feeling, and when you know, you know. You know?


L.S.D. with "No New Friends"

Sometimes a night with the OG crew is just what the doctor ordered. No outside distractions. No explaining inside jokes. No new friends. (That being said, meeting fresh faces is pretty fun.)


T.L.C. with "What About Your Friends"

It seems like T.L.C. is dealing with a little “mo’ money, mo’ problems” scenario here (to borrow a line from the late, great Biggie Smalls). Filtering out fake friends when funds are flush can be tough, but the ones standing by your side when things aren’t going so hot are the ones you want to keep.


Hank Williams, Jr. with "All My Rowdy Friends (Have Settled Down)”

From time to time you might want to tone things down just a bit. If that means going from a flashy pair of neon shades to a more classic tortoise shell or black, we don’t think anyone will mind. Plus, when it comes time to ramp it up again, that bold and bright pair will be right there waiting for you.


Randy Newman with "You’ve Got a Friend in Me"

To infinity and beyond.


BONUS: The Rembrandts with “I’ll Be There For You”

You clapped and we know it.

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